2015年9月16日 星期三

Upgrade MySQL Charset utf8 to utf8mb4

Upgrade MySQL Charset utf8 to utf8mb4

For UTF-8 encoding, MySQL originally use charset utf8 which is with maximum length of 3 bytes for every character to cover 65536 unicode characters; from version 5.5.3, MySQL implements a new charset utf8mb4 which is with maximu length of 4 bytes for every character to support full UTF-8 encoding unicode characters.

For a good multilingual support in modern international internet environment, it's better to upgrade MySQL charset utf8 to utf8mb4 from now on. Also it better to change the collation to utf8mb4_unicode_ci for more correct text sorting.

Upgrade MySQL Charset utf8 to utf8mb4:

Modify my.conf default setting
New database default charset and collation
Verify existed database structure and data upgrading


Use varchar instead of varcher for saving disk space
Index length field should be limited to 191 but not 255 chars
Alter char-related fields' length by 4/3 to prevent data trucation after upgrade

